A combination of ideas between Emma and Gary. An expression of the path that has been illuminated from a very dark place. After experiencing health and financial problems and feeling as if life never works in their favour, they finally found peace. Although, they are not hardcore spiritualist they found a new way of looking at life and what is truly important. It’s not what we are conditioned to believe, the ridged structure of society is not good for the soul. Gary’s ideology comes from his interest of quantum physics and the idea of parallel universes. Emma practices yoga and studies the powers of quantum physics in the idea of energy alignment. Together that has allowed them to experience life from a much more carefree stance. The artwork came from a cool discovery with the link between the pine cone and our own pineal gland.
The pine cone is seen as a symbolic representation of human enlightenment and has been used in ancient carvings and artwork across many different cultures and religions. In spiritual traditions the human pineal gland (named after the pine cone) is believed to be the seat of the soul, the third eye and a connection between our physical and spiritual worlds. Both the pine cone and the pineal gland are light sensitive, our circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion are evidence of the pineal glands function within the centre of our brain. The pineal gland has the same shape and geometric pattern of a pine cone and it is easy to see why the connection was made. It is fascinating and much more in depth than the overview given here. Have a little read on Google. The world is magical and so much more powerful than any single human being.
The flowers are inspired by the 70s floral pattern seen on crockery and probably in everyone’s granny’s house, once upon a time. It is also a connection to the power and beauty that nature can give us. Something so delicate as a flower can withstand all the elements and still remain graceful. The lessons learnt from nature are incredible and much more inviting than anything portrayed in the mainstream ideology. If we all connected back to what we are in nature and let go of social conditioning, the world would be free from anxiety that is not fit for purpose.
The colours from the design are also connected to the beauty of our natural world, representing the sun as it sets or rises, depending how you like to see it. Orange is a bold colour associated with optimism, warmth, confidence and enthusiasm. It is worn by monks as a symbol of simplicity and associated with autumn and the time to rest and reset, ready to bloom again in spring.
The idea behind Spirit Owl is to harness all the free and natural powers that Mother Earth has given us, while navigating the modern world. It’s not about being completely cut off from modern society but finding and sharing ways to live within it. We have the power to think for ourselves and be exactly who we are without the fear of judgement! Connect with your body and you’ll learn that peace and happiness is a natural state within us all. Even amongst all the chaos that surrounds us, we have the mechanisms to handle it and remain graceful.
One last thing to mention, a bit of lighthearted fun. Spirit the Owl can be found within our designs and with your help we want to spread the “Spirit” of the brand far and wide. Inspired by the children’s books where you have to find a particular character on every page. Think Lowly the worm, created by Richard Scarry. Tag us when you find him #wheresspirit on socials.
Illuminate your path and find the adventure to ignite your purpose, whatever it may be. 👁⚡️🌼🦉🧡